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News Release

Qube Logistics Unitholders Approve Placement to Carlyle Infrastructure


Qube Logistics today announced that unitholders have overwhelmingly passed all three resolutions at the unitholder meeting held today. The three resolutions included ratification of the placement of 36,280,204 units to Carlyle Infrastructure Partners (CIP) that was completed on 10 March 2011, approval for the conditional placement to CIP of 55,108,272 units as previously
announced on 24 February 2011, and ratification of the placement undertaken by Qube in June 2010. All three resolutions were passed with over 99% of eligible proxies received in favour of the resolutions.

It is expected that the conditional placement to CIP will be completed on 12 April 2011. Following completion of the placement, Qube will be in a very strong financial position to pursue further acquisitions with cash and equivalents of approximately $175 million.

This announcement has been prepared and released on behalf of Qube by Kaplan Funds Management, the manager of Qube.


Paul White
0417 224 920
Sam Kaplan / Paul Lewis
Kaplan Funds Management
+61 2 8917 0300

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